David Chan

David Chan

Apple iOS 10.0.1 Update

Apple releases iOS 10 to the general public which coincides with their release of the new iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. As often the case with most new software updates, there are going be some users experiencing problems and this iOS 10 from Apple is no exception

Countdown Timer

is a light-weight web application to create a countdown timer for anything you want, it can even be embedded within your own website. Great tool for those looking to have synchronised timers in different rooms.  

HP LaserJet Error Codes

This information is presented as a general troubleshooting aid, as a public service. Not all of the error codes when presented by a printer in an error mode are correct. Due to the way something fails, an incorrect error code is possible, if not likely.

The Next Delivery Battlefield

With e-commerce booming and the holidays rapidly approaching, retail and tech giants alike are asking Santa for new ways to delight customers and increase sales. In the U.S., nearly half of all holiday shopping will be done online, according to the National Retail…

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